Friday, December 30, 2011

Dental Industry Jobs

!±8± Dental Industry Jobs

The dental industry offers many career opportunities. To become a dentist, one needs a college degree and then 3-4 additional years of dental school to become a dentist, additional years to become a specialist, and must pass all state licensing regulations and programs.

All other positions do not necessarily require a college degree. Obviously, the people with more experience and training are more highly valued and paid. Individuals with common sense and a service-minded approach do best.


An absolute necessity is that of the dental assistant. This position serves as the "right hand" of dentists, constantly preparing for what the dentist will need. They assist in all procedures ranging from examinations and cleanings, all the way to the most difficult oral surgeries. A good dental assistant who figures out what the doctor needs before the dentist knows his own needs is considered priceless by most doctors.

Many dental assistants are licensed to take x-rays and must provide good assistance to the dentist. This position, however, can be taught to the right individual without licensing, thought individuals who have attended dental assistant programs and training at school are paid more than the non-trained individual. Depending on the size of the practice, the dental assistant will be responsible for all sterilization and cleaning responsibilities as well, including sterilization of all instruments and cleaning of the dental operatory and equipment prior to next usage.


Of all the jobs, dental hygienists are the only other position, aside from dentists, that require specific training and a degree. Dental hygiene school is a very popular program over dental school due to short program length, usually 24 months, and ability to work right out of school without state licensing requirements, unlike dentists. Whereas dentists can provide all dental treatments, hygienists focus solely on dental hygiene and preventive care. They are licensed to provide all exams (regular and periodontal), prophylaxis, and root planing (deep cleaning) services. They are not, however, allowed to diagnose conditions like dentists - but are trained to spot problems to require a dentist's consultation services. Many hygienists use dental assistants as well. This dental industry job becomes more popular as many dentists choose to delegate the preventive services to hygienists, enabling them to perform more high-end procedures rather than spending their time doing cleanings.


Anyone applying for this job should be friendly, trained in customer service, polite, and very efficient. All scheduling responsibilities generally fall on the receptionist, meaning the entire schedule's practice and how efficiently it is run is dictated by how creatively and sensibly the receptionist plans the schedule. Many offices utilize the receptionist position as the person who collects payment for services rendered as well, making this a vital position to that office. The receptionist's face is the first that every patient sees and usually the last as well. Positive demeanor, well-groomed appearance, and a mindset to make patients feel as welcomed as possible is imperative to succeed as a dental receptionist.


Everything the dentist does not do, the office manager must do. If the dentist you work for does not care to do payroll, it is your responsibility. If the receptionist is not present, you must fill the position or train someone to do it. Generally, all office functions and operations are responsibilities of the office manager. If there is a problem with an employee, the managing dentist and office manager will consult, and it is often that the hiring and firing duties will fall upon that of the office manager position. Of all the dental industry jobs, this position is most heavily involved in the business function of dental practices. Usually, all administrative functions including upkeep of office supplies, keeping dental supplies stocked, inventory control, handling petty cash and patient management are responsibilities of this particular and highly valued dental industry job.


Becoming more popular is the job of treatment coordinator. Smaller offices still utilize the dental industry positions of office manager, or even receptionists, to act in the capacity of this job, but many larger offices utilize several treatment coordinators. The main function of this position is to take the doctor's diagnosis, figure out the total cost of the treatment as well as the duration of treatment, and arranging a consultative session with the patient in order to sell the treatment. A deep understanding of dental treatment is necessary for this position as you will be answering all questions. This position is most imperative to increasing revenues and successfully convincing patients to stay with the practice. Being an effective and clear communicator with highly developed sales techniques is crucial to becoming successful in this job.


The standard pay is generally higher for dental industry jobs than many other fields where no licensing is required. Many jobs offer the basic medical and dental coverage, though 401K and other corporate perks are generally not offered. They require pretty standard office hours, generally falling somewhere between 8-6 pm, and many have weekends off, or require Saturdays in lieu of one weekday. Most practices are closed on Sundays. People with children in school often opt to work at dental industry jobs for these reasons. All jobs require basic knowledge of HIPAA and OSHA practices and regulations, ensuring a sterile environment and protecting patient confidentiality.

Dental Industry Jobs

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Make Soil Soup

!±8± How to Make Soil Soup

Soil Soup is a liquid fertilizer and is easy to make. The "passive" method is free and cheap. There are many variations to making the soup, but this will be the easiest to do. It is made out of mature compost, turned into a soup. Don't spend money on liquid fertilizers when you can make your own. Well-steeped soil soup is rich in microorganisms that are highly beneficial to your plants' growth and health. Nutrients and minerals are readily absorbed by your herbs, plants, flowers or vegetable gardens. It is a mild, organic liquid fertilizer that provides live organisms that improve the soil and does not burn your plants like store bought fertilizers.

It is a very simple process that dates back to ancient Europe. All you have to do is soak compost in water for a few days and the compost will give off nutrients and minerals to the water, which is then drained off for use in feeding all of your garden plants. This is a passive soup recipe. An "active" soup recipe uses an aerated method.

Things You Will Need:

· Mature compost ready for use
· Cheese cloth or an other tightly porous fabric for straining
· 2 metal buckets or containers with lids

Making Soil Soup:

· Fill a metal bucket one-third full of finished, mature compost.
· Add purified water to near top of the bucket. Cool, non-chlorinated, and highly oxygenated water is used. Chlorine kills microorganisms and is commonly used in municipal water systems.
· Let this "soup" mixture steep for three to four days to a week or 10 days, stirring each day.
· Strain the soup through old pantyhose, socks, cheesecloth or other tightly porous fabric into another bucket.
· Take remaining compost solids and return them to the compost bucket.
· Dilute the remaining liquid with water so it's the color of a watered down soup or weak tea.

Feed your indoor plants soil soup according to each plant's requirements (check seed packets and gardening books for details).


· You may also buy a compost tea bag; fill the bag with mature compost and steep bag in bucket of pure water.
· If used for foliar application (sprayed on the leaves) you need to strain the soup through fine cheesecloth to remove small particles that can clog the sprayer.
· Do NOT use a sprayer that has been used for chemical sprays. It will kill the bacteria and fungi. Even if you rinse it out, there is generally a residue left that makes it useless for organic spraying.
· If going organic, then only use organic materials, avoiding all that contain chemicals.
· Use soil soup to replace chemical-based fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides to be more protective of the environment by going "green".
· Pure compost tea is often too strong for your plants. Before applying the tea to your plants, mix 10 parts water with one part compost tea. This 10:1 ratio dilutes the nutrient levels, so the tea can be safely applied.
· To speed up the process, you can simulate the aeration method by shaking the container enough to produce froth on the surface.

Important Note: The liquid nutrients in the soup are used immediately by your plants. Because it is in liquid form, it can wash out of your soil quickly. Frequent applications are recommended.

How to Make Soil Soup

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Painting a Brick Or Rough Surface

!±8± Painting a Brick Or Rough Surface

Painting rough faced brick, block, or stone is unlike painting anything else you'll ever have to paint. The major difference is volume of labor needed and the amount of material. These types of surfaces will use twice as much material as any other. Being that these surfaces are so porous, they act like a sponge.

The labor comes in with the amount of effort required to work the material into these surfaces. It is slow, hot work. The materials used as far as paint are not any different from any other paint except there are a few special products that do about the same job as regular paint. They may be a little heavier for better hiding. Like wood and metal, there are fillers that can be used on the rough surfaces. They are latex or oil-based. They are worked into the surface with either a stiff brush designed for this work or a heavy roller.

Yes, you'll use a large amount of filler and only get about 200 square feet per gallon. However, the advantage to using filler is it smooths the surface which means you'll use less primer and less paint. Sometimes you may see someone trying to use drywall compound in place of block filler. This is not a good practice. Using a product for anything that it was not intended for can cost you more than using the right product. The one thing you can count on is that they will fail. Leaving you nothing but the same problem you started with plus a big mess to clean up. If you feel confident in your ability in using a spray to apply the filler or paint, that's great too. Just be sure to cover any surrounding surfaces not being painted and remember even if you use a sprayer the material will still have to be gone over with a roller to be sure the material is well worked into the surface.

Painting a Brick Or Rough Surface

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Growing Cilantro/Coriander Organically

!±8± Growing Cilantro/Coriander Organically


If organically grow coriander for its leaves, it's called coriander. It 'also known for its dry seeds planted, the seeds are called coriander. Coriander growing like grass dates back to 3000 BC, coriander seen in the writings in Sanskrit in 1500 BC

Coriander seeds were some tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, and discovered among the ruins of the bronze age greek. Coriander growth in America began around 1670 and was one of the firstHerbs / spices of the early settlers grew.

If the plant

In northern climates, you can use coriander plant a few weeks before the last frost. If you plant cilantro every few weeks, you can use it to collect all summer. In southern climates, you can plant spring for autumn harvest.

It takes about 30 to 40 days from sowing to harvest the leaves of cilantro, you can make a second collection in 10 to 14 days after collection. For the coriander seeds, is about 40 to 50 daysto collect.

Where the plants

Cilantro / Coriander protect requires a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight - preferably 8 or more - for optimal growth. Cilantro / Coriander develop a taste better with more sunlight. A strong light creates more aromatic oils in the leaves and stems.

When it's hot in the summer, coriander is often "bolt". Bolting is to go to seed. You can work "slow life" variety, in the shade of taller plants in hot climates, to prevent it from fitting, unlessThey grow especially for coriander.

If you are in cilantro / coriander plant, focusing on the bottom, select the well-drained soils. If you dig a 12 "x 12" x "12 hole, fill with water and let drain should drain within 3 hours or you can sand and organic matter to soil for drainage. Support

Be like other herbs such as sage, is probably an advantage, not too many nutrients to the soil or add could adversely affect the flavor

Preparationthe ground

Cilantro / Coriander grows well in a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, even if it does well in the middle of this range. For best results with organic coriander, rototiller or spade in 2 or 3 inches of organic material into compost or manure in the top 6 inches of your garden soil.

Choosing the best seed varieties for your region

When grown cilantro leaves for, you should slow bolting varieties grow. Consult with a seed supplier's reputation in choosing your diversity.Variety slowly screwing are also better in warmer climates, why not go to seed so quickly.

If you are picking the seeds of coriander, most varieties will work fine, something to the seeds at a given time. As always, contact your local extension of the county to determine if there are diseases that are common coriander / cilantro in your area and tips on resistant varieties, if applicable.

Seeds and germination

Cilantro grows because a long taproot, it is preferable to plantdirectly into your garden. It can be started inside, though. Coriander germinate in soil temps of 45 to 85 f, optimum germination temps 60 to 75F. The seeds germinate in 2 to 3 weeks in order. Because cilantro is resistant to frost, can be planted very early in spring, even in northern climates.

Most varieties of coriander / cilantro grow to about 12 to 15 inches tall.

Seed saving

Many gardeners grow cilantro for both plants and seedsas we've already mentioned a few times, are known as coriander. If you've let your cilantro bolt, cut the flower heads off, leaving about 8 inches of stem, then bundle bunches of stems, tying them together with a string or rubber band.

Put the flowers and stems upside down in a brown paper bag and tie it closed around the stem, then hang it in a dark and dry location. In a week or so, shake the bag/stems to loosen the seeds, then remove the seeds. Store them in a glass jar in a cool, dry location until you want to use them for flavoring or planting.

Getting Started Indoors

If you do want to plant your seeds indoors in the late winter or early spring, you can do so using a grow light stand or other fluorescent lighting. Turn your lights on for 14 to 16 hours a day, 4 to 6 inches above the soil or seedlings.

Soil blocks or peat pots are ideal for starting cilantro as they can be transplanted into your garden without disturbing the plant's roots. Use a good quality sterile potting mix to start your seeds in; adding alfalfa meal or compost will help the plant's early growth. Plant your seeds about inch deep, 2 seeds per pot. Once the plants are a couple inches tall, thin the weaker plant by cutting it off with a scissor at ground level.

Transplanting cilantro/coriander Outdoors

When cilantro seedlings are 2 to 3 inches tall, they're ready to transplant to your garden or flower bed. To prepare cilantro for transplanting to your garden, you need to "harden off" your plants.

The process of hardening off seedlings entails moving your plants outside daily; a few hours at first, then increasing the time daily for 7 to 10 days until the plants become accustomed to strong sunlight and cool nights.

Cilantro has a sensitive taproot, so the best way to transplant them is in soil blocks or peat pots. Cut the bottom out of the peat pot or just place the soil blocks in a holes large enough to accept them.

Tamp the soil in around the transplants enough to keep them from moving around but not so much as to make it difficult for the roots to expand. Plant cilantro in double rows 12 to 18 inches apart, leaving them plenty of room to dry out after watering or a rainstorm.

Planting Cilantro Seeds in Your Garden

As mentioned above, cilantro is a cold-hardy plant and can be planted up to 4 weeks before the last expected frost. Mark your double rows (or plant as a companion to tomatoes or other plants) at 12 to 18 inches apart, with 30 to 36 inches spacing to any other rows or other garden plants. Plant your coriander/cilantro seeds to inch deep and 2 inches apart. Lightly press the soil down on the seeds and water.

If you want to plant successive plantings, repeat this process every 10 to 14 days into the late spring and again toward the end of summer if desired.

Best Practices for Growing Great Cilantro/Coriander

If you've planted seeds and you have more than one every 12 to 18 inches, thin them out to that distance once they've reached 2 to 3 inches. Unless you're growing cilantro for coriander seeds, you'll want to grow your cilantro in the cooler parts of the growing season to keep it from bolting (going to seed). To prevent bolting, you can use a mulch like barley straw (our favorite) to keep the soil cool. Mulch also keeps moisture in the soil. If the soil temperature reaches 75F, cilantro will bolt.

Overhead watering may reduce your cilantro's seed yield. It is unusual to need to add compost or composted manure during the growing season unless your plants show deficiencies such as yellowish-green leaves. As with most herbs, too many nutrients will negatively effect the flavor of your cilantro.

Mulching & Weeding

We love mulch, particularly seed-free mulches like barley straw or chopped leaves. Adding 2 to 5 inches of mulch will keep weeds down, moisture in, and generally create happier cilantro plants.

If you don't have access to mulching materials and need to weed, carefully hand-pull or cut off the weeds at the soil level near your plants and hoe between the plants and rows if rototilling isn't an option.

Cilantro Watering Requirements

Growing cilantro needs good moisture about 8 inches into the soil. The best watering practice is a good soaking about 1 time per week.

If your soil is sandy, you may need to water more frequently, but using a good mulch layer around your plants will keep them moist. Check the soil moisture every few days until you get a feel for how the air, soil, water, and mulch interact.

It is best, as with most garden plants, not to water using overhead sprinklers. However, with cilantro, the reason is less due to fungus than because it affects the flavor of the coriander seeds. Commercial growers almost always use drip irrigation.

Don't allow your plants to wilt, but don't make your soil soggy either. You can tell if your soil's too wet if you can compact the soil easily in your hand. Wet soil can induce root rot of varying types.

Companion Planting and Rotation Considerations

Cilantro is said to repel harmful insects such as aphids, spider mites and the potato beetle. Planting cilantro near potatoes, therefore, is a good practice. Any plants that are susceptible to aphids will benefit from cilantro planted in the vicinity. Carrots, cabbage, asparagus, spinach, etc. all benefit from cilantro.

Cilantro is benefited by legumes planted near it. Legumes such as peas and beans take nitrogen from the air and deposit it into the soil. This is beneficial to most garden plants. Don't plant cilantro near to fennel, though. It is an allelopath to most garden plants, which simply means it can inhibit your other garden plant's growth.

When to Harvest Cilantro/Coriander

Once cilantro reaches 6 inches in height, you can selectively harvest a few leaves from the plants outer stems. It's best to leave the center stalk alone. If you're going to collect the coriander seeds, wait for the seed stocks to form, then follow the instructions in the section above called "Saving Seeds." Even after the flower and seed stalk forms, you can still harvest leaves.

Cilantro/Coriander Storage

While it's best to pick cilantro when you're ready to use it in a salad or another dish, sometimes you need to have it last just a little longer. The best way we know of is to put it into cold water in a glass (kind of like flowers in a vase) and put it in your fridge. You can also bundle it without washing it and it will keep for a couple days or so.

Drying cilantro, we've discovered, doesn't seem to be a good way to store it as it loses most of its flavor in the drying process. You can freeze cilantro's not as good as fresh cilantro, but much better than dried. Just put it dry into a zip-lock style plastic bag and stick it in your freezer for later use. We discussed storing coriander seeds in the "Saving Seeds" section above, so I won't cover that again here.

Preventative and Natural Solutions to Common Pests

Leafhoppers are always a threat wherever cilantro is grown. Leafhoppers may transmit a disease called Aster's Yellows. Leaf hoppers are small, somewhat triangular variable-colored insects that hang out on the undersides of leaves or on stems. They suck the juices out of plant leaves and inject stunting microorganisms into the plant's leaves. They may stunt your cilantro's growth or if the infestation is heavy, even kill your plants.

Insecticidal soap spray, neem oil, pyrethrum, and/or Diatomaceous Earth (DE) have all been effectively used by organic gardeners to control these pests. Aphids are a common pests that can be found on the undersides of your cilantro leaves. You'll know they're there if you see leaves turning yellow and crinkling or curling. Aphids suck the juice from your plant leaves and leave a sticky substance behind. The only beneficiary of this process is ants, who harvest the sticky sweet stuff.

The best solution to aphids is to import ladybugs to your garden. They feed on aphids and are very effective in ridding your plants of these little green, gray, or brown bugs. Another solution is to "wash" them off with a hose and high-pressure spray nozzle or an organic insecticidal soap. DE has also been used successfully.

Here's a recipe for a homemade insecticidal soap that you can try: 1 cup mineral oil, 2 cups water, and 2 tablespoons organic dish soap. Mix and put into a spray bottle or pump up sprayer.

Another pest, the armyworm, have larvae that come in various colors from black to dark greenish-brown; they have dark brown, white, and orange stripes the entire length of their abdomens. The mature larvae is about 1.5 inches long and its head is yellow-brown with brown streaks that gives the worm a mottled appearance. The armyworm pupae are easy to spot when you're cultivating your garden...they live in a brownish-colored shell just below the surface of the soil. I squish them when I see them or feed them to the chickens.

The moth of the armyworm is about 1 inch long and has a 1.5 inch wingspan, is light brown to tan-colored with a white spot on each forewing. The moth lays eggs in rows on the undersides of the leaves of the host plant; after laying the eggs, the moth rolls the leaves around the eggs for protection. Armyworms feed mainly on the leaves of the plants, leaving droppings under the plants and severed leaf materials on the ground. For gardeners, the easiest way to control armyworms is to handpick them and drop them in a bucket of warm soapy water to drown them, or feed them to the chickens if they'll eat them.

Environmental Factors

Aster's Yellow Disease is transmitted by leafhoppers (see above section). This disease makes the plant grow spindly and the flowers turn yellow and makes the plant become sterile. Controlling leafhoppers is the best way to control aster's yellow disease. If the disease shows up, destroy the diseased plants.

As mentioned in the above section, insecticidal soap spray, neem oil, pyrethrum, and/or Diatomaceous Earth (DE) have all been effectively used by organic gardeners to control these pests.

Damping off (seedling rot) may affect cilantro seedlings as they germinate. This group of fungi is spread in cool, damp soil, so make sure you plant in well-drained soil. Soaking your seeds in a compost tea or mixing hot compost (direct from your compost pile) with the seeds is said to inoculate the seeds and seedlings against this disease. You can also purchase resistant seed varieties to damping off.

If you're starting plants indoors, use sterile potting soil, and don't overwater your seeds or seedlings, and don't plant the seeds too deep. Leaf spots are caused by bacteria is caused when infected water is splashed on the cilantro's leaves. Overhead irrigation is often at fault for spreading this bacteria. Leaf spots appear as tan spots with purple borders.

Using drip irrigation to ensure dry leaves is the best prevention as you can't get rid of leaf spot once it's infected your plants, although neem oil and organic copper-based fungicides can control the spreading of leaf spots.

Root Knot Nematodes are plant parasites that are shaped like worms. They are microscopic and invisible to the human eye. Plants that aren't getting enough water are the most susceptible to this parasite. Root knot nematodes affect plants by causing them to wilt, be stunted, reducing crop yields, and sometimes even killing plants.

Underground, root knot nematodes create knotted roots or stunted roots. The knot sizes will vary depending on the species of nematode invading the plant's roots. The best cure for root-knot nematodes is prevention. Purchasing resistant plants or varieties is your best defense against this disease. If you have nematodes in your garden, make sure you isolate the area and leave it fallow for 2 to 3 years.

Also, don't allow water to run-off from these areas into unaffected areas or the disease will spread. For a short term solution to root-knot nematodes on the upper surface of the soil, you can use a process called "solarization." Moisten your soil, then cover it with clear plastic through the hottest part of the summer.

If you can get your soil temps up to 130F for as little as 5 minutes, you'll kill the nematodes and eggs as deep as you can get that temperature.

There is an organic fungicide called azadirachtin that is listed by OMRI as organic. I haven't researched it though, so if anyone knows something about it, be sure to post your findings below.

Growing Cilantro/Coriander Organically

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Now begins the immunity boost for the winter

!±8± Now begins the immunity boost for the winter

It 'that time of year again, where viruses and bacteria to perform a play-mud and devastation on our bodies. The best time to start now to prepare for the cold and flu season.

There is no panacea in creating a healthy immune system. The best starting point is to eliminate junk foods and beverages from the diet. Adequate rest and moderate exercise are equally important.

There are some supplements that are known to prevent the disease or the disease has been added to accelerateRecovery. Some of these echinacea, goldenseal, elderberry, ginseng, astragalus, mullein leaf, Yerba Santa leaves, roots parthenium, peppers, fruit, yarrow, pau d'arco bark, and colloidal silver, or ionized.

There are many more of the construction of the immune system, which include many of these additives. The trick is to start taking 2 a day in September and continue until spring. Those who have severely compromised immune systems may take longer. There are homeopathic remedies that are popular theseTime of year, as Oscillococcinum. And 'intrinsically No. 1 medical influence. Silver Water is a natural antibiotic. Mediterranean wild oregano oil is knocking out viruses, bacteria and fungi known.

60% of our immune system is our "good", so it is important to obtain an adequate amount of "friendly bacteria". Most people with extra acidophilus and bifidophilus to achieve this goal is to destroy the typical American diet, antibiotics and other prescription drugs, these goodBacteria.

Essential oils can also be used to improve immunity. A disinfectant spray chamber may be a glass 4 oz. Glass bottle with a syringe and adding a total of 90 drops each of rosemary, tea tree and peppermint essential oils and fill the rest with spring or distilled water. Shrug off 100 times, and let stand 24 hours before use.

It takes a considerable effort to build immunity and optimum health, but .... You and your family worth it!

Finally,I would suggest anyone to take your time, do your research, analysis, or your health needs and then find natural products for your needs. It 's something you can do for you what that leaves you with a good understanding of your health needs. Many people spend their lives alone with other people when it comes to their health or nutritional needs. They are many good articles on the Internet that can be very useful and informative.

This Articleprovided by Mike Comeau, is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always consult your doctor when seeking medical attention.

Now begins the immunity boost for the winter

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Watching the water repellent natural paths and patios of concrete

!±8± Watching the water repellent natural paths and patios of concrete

Water, concrete driveways can be sucked in, patios and sidewalks, will be affected in different ways. The water can cause separation of the upper layer, flaking, spalling and pitting. This is especially true in climates where cold weather causes the water freezes inside the heavy concrete damage caused by the expansion of ice crystals.

Find natural silane / siloxane water repellent

To stop a concrete water repellent silane / siloxane mixture, penetration of water into the concrete.Actually coat microscopic pores in the concrete and prevent water absorption. They have the advantage that the concrete for its natural appearance. There is no change in specific color, gloss or shine to bathe them. This is because the silane / siloxane is not on the concrete surface. This is actually below the surface and inside concrete base.

It must be said that silane / siloxane water repellent for use on concrete that is not stamped or recommendstained. Most people want a wet look or a low-gloss shine on this type of concrete. These types of sealers are actually on the surface of the concrete and prevent the color to be transported away from pedestrian traffic.

Protection from road salt

One of the greatest threats to concrete, the effect may have de-icing salts. With unsealed concrete, the water from dissolved salts are absorbed in it. The salt ions are also absorbed in the concrete so that the reinforcementin concrete to rust and deteriorate. The salt is very heavy on the top layer of cement and can worsen even more and cause delamination. Finally, when the temperature drops, the refreezing of melt water and cause the concrete to fail.


Easy to clean dirt or oil from the concrete. The water-repellent can be sprayed or garden with a roller pump. It is best to keep pedestrian traffic out of the concrete for 3-4 hours. The silane / siloxane with the reactionCement and start beading water after 3-5 days.

Watching the water repellent natural paths and patios of concrete

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oil painting has many advantages

!±8± Oil painting has many advantages

Painting your home is one of the easiest home improvement projects you can do. It requires very little special knowledge and is something that everyone can learn to do. There is also an easy way to change the entire look of your home or room. With so many choices in colors, it can be difficult to understand what type of purchase. A wide selection of oil-based paint would do.

The Basics

Painting in oils are an alternative to latex paints. This is a good option for someone witha severe allergy to latex, which could be threatened by any type of latex paint. In addition, oil paint much more durable so that they last longer and show less wear latex paint. Oil paints are ideal for trim, doors and other areas with high traffic density.

And with

Oil painting can be a bit 'harder to use than latex paint. And 'more often and require different tools than you would use with latex paint. You must have great brushes and rollers.They also require good ventilation, if because of the strong smell. But despite these things, can be purchased anywhere, such as latex paint, and are found in almost any color you need. When shopping for oil-based paints, it is important to remember to buy primer. It may be necessary prior to painting or the paint comes off first. Another good tip is that before the coating is very important to mix the paint and avoid shaking. It may bubble to the application so the application should be done in several thinCoats and not too thick to avoid bubbles. You should allow sufficient drying time between coats, and remember that the oil-based paint will last longer than latex paint dry. For the disposal of oil paint that you should follow local policies, because they are classified as toxic and hazardous waste.

Where it is used

Some good projects for the oil-based paint in many areas. Bead board, trim and window shapes are ideal places to use oil-based paints, because they see a lot of wear.Painting with oil based paint makes them easier to clean and wear parts are not visible, easily. The doors are a good choice, also the same reason. They are very good for outdoor projects, partly because of its resistance to water and wear. Projects of metal work well with this color. They are very good for a variety of projects. So stop the next time you need to do a paint job.

Oil painting has many advantages

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